Enhancement #476

Breadcrumb style is not clear

Added by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado almost 12 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:Client sideEstimated time:0.00 hour
Target version:-
Resolution: Tags:


#Pekue says:
"I dont know how you call the toolbar on the buttom of this space (the one starting with the left arrow acting as "back" and the component besides it acting as sort of a breadcrumb navigation):
It took me a while to find out, that the back-arrow acts like sort of a close button that i was searching for in the upper right corner and that the other buttons are a breadcrumb navigation that i´d expect above the document like it is on every website, M$ Explorer, PHPStorm and any other software i can think of."

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