Enhancement #557

Buttons to expand/collapse all replies

Added by Akis - about 11 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:11/02/2013
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Category:UsabilityEstimated time:0.50 hour
Target version:-
Resolution: Tags:


The idea already exists in many code editors, but for blocks of code. I would find very helpful a pair of buttons "Expand all replies" and "Collapse all replies", especially as a wave becomes more complicated (as is usually the case with successful waves). A wave with expanded replies is easier to make a browser-conducted full-text-search in, while a wave with collapsed replies is easier to read and get the "big picture". It is also easy to implement, as the functionality per single reply already exists. First-level blips don't necessarily need to collapse, although that could be useful to bring distant blips in the same view for cross-reading.

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